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Guide to the Swords of Westeros Part 4
Most of the Valyrian blades in Westeros are exquisite weapons, created from historical enchantments in order to create the highest[...]
Guide to the Swords of Westeros Part 3
Named swords in Westeros serve as a symbol of prestige and status. The very best of them all are made[...]
Guide to the Swords of Westeros Part 2
A great number of named swords in Game of Thrones serve as a source and symbol of prestige, greatness or[...]
Guide to the Swords of Westeros Part 1
Dawn Sword of the morning Dawn belongs to House Dayne. While the blade carries the same properties like other swords made[...]
Guide to The Swords of Westeros Infographic
In Westeros, swords are serious business. Most of the swords in Game of Thrones are imbued with heavy symbolic value[...]
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trailer Video
I remember being so young playing this game and it was just mind blowing. It was honestly my first Final[...]
Link’s Master Sword
ORIGIN An insight on how the sword came to be. The goddess who created this sword, Hylia, created it[...]
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda is a series of video games that is created by Nintendo. The main protagonists in this[...]
Blades of Chaos
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God of War
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