Viking Swords

These weapons were wielded throughout the Viking age in Europe between 732-1066 AD. These blades were straight and double-edged. The hilt type is one-handed unlike the broadswords and claymores. Certain variants of this blade were made with extremely high quality steel for that period. Actually the steel that was used was had extremely low impurities the high amounts of carbon actually made the blade stronger and increased its flexibility. The carbon found in some the blades might be why some of the extremely old swords have that black tint compared to regular steel swords.


Vikings were people who spoke Old Norse a European Language from long ago they raided and traded from nearby Scandinavian homelands they were also hired as mercenaries. The Vikings expanded a lot to places such as North Africa and Russia. Vikings were classified as either nobles who were made up of local chiefs and kings, freeman and slaves.

Basic Sword Characteristics

71 to 84 centimeters (blade length)

Average weight 1.1 kg (2.4lb)

Fun facts

Viking Swords were in uncovered with the inscriptions “+VLFBERH+T”

All Norse men were actually required to carry weapons on them at all times

The weapons they carried were a sign of social status

The wealthier Vikings had a full set of armor including mail shield and a sword

The Sea Stallion is a reconstructed Viking ship

Despite crazy movie adaptations and stereotypes they were an extremely clean race

They buried their dead in boats

They were also known as barbarians

check out our fantasy swords section!

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